Onitama is a two-player abstract strategy game where each player controls a Master and four Students on a 5x5 board. The objective is to either capture the opponent's Master or move your Master into the opponent's Temple Arch.
Onitama is a two-player game where players take turns choosing from 2 cards that will move their units around the game board.
Player 1 Captain
Player 1 Pawn
On the player's turn, they will first select the card they wish to use from their side of the board. Then they will choose the unit they wish to move using the selected card. After they have chosen the unit, the player will select a position to move to. Finally, they will click the “Confirm“ button to confirm their move. It will then be the next player's turn.
You can win by either capturing the opponent's Captain or by capturing their base.
Capture Opponent Captain
Capture Opponent Base